Perovskite-Info weekly newsletter

Published: Tue, 02/23/21


The Perovskite handbook

Air Force awards University of Toledo $12.5 million to develop space-based solar energy sheets
2021-02-17 04:09:04-05

The U.S. Air Force recently awarded the University of Toledo (UToledo) $12.5 million to develop photovoltaic energy sheets that would live in space and harvest solar energy to transmit power wirelessly to Earth-based receivers or to other orbital or aerial instrumentation, such as communications satellites.

UToledo physicists will develop flexible solar cell sheets, each roughly the size of a piece of paper, that can be assembled and interconnected into much larger structures. The team will focus on tandem architectures and work with a variety of combinations of solar cells, perovskites included.

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The US Air Force awards University of Toledo $12.5 million to develop space-based solar energy sheets
2021-02-17 04:09:04-05

The U.S. Air Force recently awarded the University of Toledo (UToledo) $12.5 million to develop photovoltaic energy sheets that would live in space and harvest solar energy to transmit power wirelessly to Earth-based receivers or to other orbital or aerial instrumentation, such as communications satellites.

UToledo physicists will develop flexible solar cell sheets, each roughly the size of a piece of paper, that can be assembled and interconnected into much larger structures. The team will focus on tandem architectures and work with a variety of combinations of solar cells, perovskites included.

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Researchers design novel X-ray photodetectors based on perovskites on top of graphene
2021-02-18 02:14:06-05

A team of scientists, led by László Forró from the School of Basic Sciences at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, has developed a new X-Ray Photodetector based on perovskites and graphene.

Using 3D aerosol jet-printing technology, the team designed a new technique for creating highly efficient x-ray photodetectors that can be easily added to standard microelectronic circuits, creating more powerful medical imaging devices that can deliver better scan qualities.

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AMOLF researchers successfully create amorphous perovskite
2021-02-18 03:42:30-05

AMOLF researchers Erik Garnett, Susan Rigter, and colleagues have demonstrated that amorphous perovskite exists. The material can significantly increase the efficiency of solar cells produced from perovskite.

Mystery of amorphous perovskite solved image

Perovskites are naturally crystalline; in other words, the atoms pack together in an ordered pattern. From traditional silicon solar cells, we know that the efficiency of the cells can be boosted if a part of the material is amorphous, meaning the atoms pack together randomly. Erik Garnett from AMOLF was reportedly the first to realize that amorphous perovskite could fulfill the same function. The following challenge was to produce the material and study its properties. Garnett explains why that was difficult: “Perovskite consists of ions. By nature, these easily organize in a crystal lattice, just like table salt, for example. We needed to come up with a trick to prevent those crystals from forming, and we managed to do just that. Using techniques such as X-ray diffraction, we subsequently also demonstrated that the material is amorphous. With this, we delivered the first irrefutable evidence that amorphous perovskite exists.”

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Researchers use hydroxyapatite to combat lead release from perovskite solar cells
2021-02-19 07:00:00-05

Scientists at The University of Manchester have developed a way to increase the environmental safety of perovskite solar cells by eliminating the lead release from broken cells. Using a bioinspired mineral called hydroxyapatite, a major constituent of human bone, they have created a ‘failsafe’ which captures the lead ions in an inorganic matrix. As a result, if cells are damaged, toxins are stored in an inert mineral, rather than released in the environment.

Unlike silicon solar cells, perovskite solar cells can be mass produced through roll-to-roll processing. Additionally, they are light and can be used in non-traditional settings such as windows and contoured roofs. However, up until now, application has been impacted by potential environmental risks. Perovskite solar cells contain lead, a cumulative toxin, and if the cells get damaged, lead ions may leak.

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WUSR researcher receives USD$1 million to study the deformability of perovskites
2021-02-19 09:54:43-05

Five Wrocław University of Science and Technology researchers have been awarded over than 12 million PLN (around USD$3.2 million) for research projects under the Maestro and Sonata Bis competitions organized by the National Centre for Science. Among the research area are perovskites, active enzymes, and artificial intelligence.

Targeting experienced scientists, Maestro is a competition for research projects aimed at carrying out pioneering, and also interdisciplinary, research that is important for the development of science and reaching beyond the current state of knowledge, which may result in scientific discoveries.

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HZB team improves process for perovskite ink deposition and optimizes production "recipe"
2021-02-23 02:47:43-05

Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin have improved a process for vertically depositing a solution made from an inexpensive perovskite solute onto a moving substrate placed below. Not only have they discovered the crucial role played by one of the solvents used, but they have also taken a closer look at the aging and storage properties of the solution.

Process schematic for slot die coating perovskite inks image The liquid solution of perovskite precursor, solvent, and additive flows from a slit-shaped nozzle onto the glass substrate being conveyed below. Credit: Jinzhao Li / HZB

The perovskite solar cells that Prof. Eva Unger and her team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) are researching seem to be extremely promising. “These are the best solar cells to date that can be made using a 2D ink”, the researcher explains. “And now their efficiencies are approaching those for cells made of crystalline silicon.”

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