A team of scientists from the NUST MISIS Laboratory of Advanced Solar Energy has proposed a new approach that uses the two-dimensional inorganic material zirconium trisulfide as the electron transport layer of a perovskite LED. In the future, this may allow the mass production of a new type of light-emitting diodes, as well as solving the problem of LED displays degradation, for example, in smartphones and TVs.

The screens of many modern smartphones and TVs "suffer" from pixel burnout. Due to the presence of an organic component in OLED-type matrices (and their derivatives), pixels begin to degrade when the same icons on the screen are lit for a long time. So far, manufacturers advise users to periodically change the screen interface, rearrange the icons in places and regularly update the screen saver. In fact, the problem could be solved by minimizing the use of organic components in the screen matrix. Perovskite diodes are proposed as a way to make a revolution in designing screens.