Perovskite-Info weekly newsletter

Published: Tue, 09/19/17

Perovskite-Info weekly newsletter

2017-09-13 06:47:56-04

Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have reported the development of a new technique to deposit high-quality large-area perovskite films that does not require solvents or vacuum processing. The method reportedly produces homogeneous films with relatively few defects, which leads to an efficiency of 12.1% for a solar module made from a methylammonium lead halide film that is just over 36 cm2 in size.

Large-area perovskite films go solvent- and vacuum-free image

The research team has developed a new technique to produce large-area methylammonium lead halide (CH3NH3PbI3) perovskite films that relies on rapidly converting amine complex precursors (CH3NH3I·mCH3NH2 (where m is close to 3) and PbI2·nCH3NH2 (where n is close to 1) to perovskite films and then applying pressure to them.


2017-09-19 02:20:43-04

A team led by scientists from the Department of Chemistry at Imperial recently studied the mechanism that causes perovskite solar cells to degrade quickly, discovering that this breakdown is due to the formation of ‘superoxides’ that attack the perovskite material. Now, the team went on to determine how the superoxides form and how they attack the perovskite material, and proposed possible solutions to the problem.

Working with researchers at the University of Bath, the team found that superoxide formation is helped by spaces in the structure of the perovskite normally taken up by molecules of iodide. Although iodide is a component of the perovskite material itself, there are defects where iodide is missing. These vacant spots are then used in the formation of superoxides.


2017-09-19 03:57:20-04

Saule Technologies has announced that it will be presenting a prototype and will answer questions regarding its flexible perovskite photovoltaic modules at the 3rd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO-2017) in Oxford, UK.

Saule Technologies' flexible perovskite module image

The company will reportedly be showing an operating module printed on ultra-thin PET foil. Samples available for public viewing will present the stability of the module and underwater operation for the first time. The prototype large-scale production line capable of fabricating solar modules with a nominal power output of 100W/m2 is expected to be operational in fall of 2018.


2017-09-19 04:31:29-04

Researchers from KAUST have found that perovskite thin films for use in solar cells are more effective when glycol ethers are added to the film-forming mix. "It yields more uniform thin films with improved structure and efficiency", explains the team.

"Our aim was to improve the quality of perovskite thin films," say the researchers. The team decided to add glycol ethers to the manufacturing process because they knew these chemicals had previously been used to help create layers of metal oxides. By trying different glycol ether mixtures and conditions the researchers eventually gained better control over the formation of their perovskite thin films, by significantly improving the structure and alignment of the perovskite grains. This increased the reproducibility and efficiency of the perovskites so that they performed more efficiently in solar cell applications. The procedure also operates at lower temperatures than alternatives, which is an important factor in improving cost effectiveness.