Perovskite-Info weekly newsletter

Published: Tue, 01/04/22

Weekly perovskite industry and market news

The Perovskite-Info newsletter (January 4, 2022)

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Israeli researchers develop self-healing perovskite nanocrystals

A team from Israel's Technion Institute of Technology has announced the development of self-healing perovskite nanocrystals.

Having to frequently replace electronics due to malfunctioning of materials is unavoidable today, since every device suffers from degradation as a result of defects that accumulate during use over time. This generates, in addition to customer frustration and costs, a heavy environmental footprint.

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Support from the US Army and US Navy enabled researchers to develop perovskite solar cells that promise high efficiency, low cost, and a long life cycle

The Army Research Office and the Office of Naval Research have provided financial support for a new perovskite research, along with the National Science Foundation and the Energy Department’s Office of Science. The researchers are a team of engineers working out of the lab of Aditya Mohite at Rice University.

The project was a collaborative one that also involved Purdue and Northwestern universities. The Energy Department was also involved via its Los Alamos, Argonne and Brookhaven laboratories. So were the Institute of Electronics and Digital Technologies in France, with additional support from the Academic Institute of France.

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